
Poster crisis

So its make or break time. All of a sudden I'm questioning whether or not posters is the right choice of format. I like branding and typo and I wanted to get some printed work so maybe printed matter would have been a better choice - I will decide by lunch time.

The problem with posters...
is their longevity - they are designed for impact, to catch attention in a matter of seconds. How can I keep people's attention?
Is the future ambient media? interaction? technology? When I say the future I mean the future of the successful poster - paper pasted to wall will never die
The fly poster - this phenomen bugs me and fascinates me in equal mesausures. It seems mindless, antisocial and illegal - but they argue that all posters are anti social...
So what is the future of the printed poster? I think the answer has to be a more considered approach. A printed poster has to compete against so much right now and surely that will only continue in the future. More consideration needs to be put into location, interaction, catching attention

So I guess the main areas that interest me are time based posters or posters that evolve, change, dissolve etc
And poster with interaction - adding to, taking away, instructions to the reader, interaction from the reader...

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