
Poster quotes

"Good posters are obvious both in content and form" Uwe Loesch

"A poster's impact is undisputed. One simply cannot avoid looking at a poster, once one has seen it." Uwe Loesch

"Posters are time capsules, a social artifact documenting a specific place and event." Robynne Raye

"A poser should communicate and illustrate an event concisely and beautifully." Kayrock

"Posters are becoming so much more sophisticated that maybe you don't have to read it–or there isn't anything to read in the first place–but still the message gets across." Jonathon Ellery

"Only a witty and risky manner of dealing with the subject makes the design unique." Philippe Apeloig

"A poster should stand out on a wall of other posters and demand attention by saying something others do not." Wolfy

"Posters need powerful occasions and significant subjects" Roman Cieslewicz

What can I print on? Paper, coloured paper, old posters, maps, books, material, wood, clear materials

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